Sunday, August 13, 2006

Racism and Christianity

Wow, our church service today was amazing. The pastor spoke about racism. Growing up in the south, even in the 80's, I was exposed to a lot of racist attitudes. My parents and their friends often told racial jokes and made comments. It was just something I never really thought much about until I was an adult. Because I have been able to work and interact with people of different races and nationalities, I realized that you cannot judge a person by their color.

We watched part of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech from 1963. It moved me to tears because I realized that it's been a couple of weeks shy of 43 years since he gave that speech and most of what he spoke about has not come to pass. And the truly sad part is that a lot of the people who still harbor prejudice towards other races were sitting in churches today. I personally know several people who regularly attend church, yet use racist words to describe entire groups of people. How can they reconcile this? I knew a woman who told me that I shouldn't let my son read the Harry Potter books because they were evil, when she freely used the "N" word around her son. Our children will learn from us. We should be teaching them to love, not to hate.

There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. -Galatians 3:28


Anonymous said...

Ok, so I didn't want you to know that I saw your blogs... but here I am! I thought about the same person during church today.. and her sister and brother were sitting next to me during the service. Thank GOD we never raised our kids to be that way... and thank you for having the same views I have always had!

Anonymous said...

I am pleasantly pleased and surprised at your movement. You should take a trip to see the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis. It is moving beyond words and something your family should see. Definitely worth the drive. You just never know who you might be sitting to next in church...I sat next to someone who was a complete stranger. Sometimes it's better that way.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your Blog,My Ex Husband is saying he's a Christian yet he only likes White people,Your blog helped me and the Scripture,Im going to email it to him Tonight.God bless you for being so bold...