I'm happy to announce a new member in my household. Meet P.J., who appears to be a mix of
Australian Cattle Dog and
Shepherd. She is about 2 years old, house trained and generally well behaved. Her previous owners were moving away and couldn't take her, I luckily saw their ad on
Craigslist and got her for free! I've had her for about a week and she is a great dog. She's very obedient, she already knew Sit when I got her and she just about has Shake and Speak down after just a day or two. We go on two walks a day and she pretty much follows me around the house at all times. I haven't slept late once since I got her since she gets up around 5:30 every morning and is much more persistent than my alarm clock. She wakes me up by poking me with her nose, letting me know that she's ready for our morning walk.
Here she is... (click the pics for larger versions)

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